Conflicts are an everyday phenomenon in each individual or each group or in
organizations which are impossible to avoid. Therefore conflict in higher education is also
unavoidable. It exists at every level of academic world and it is possible to manage. This
study was conducted to identify the mostly using conflict management strategies of academic
staff and to identify the relationship between Academic position and conflict management
strategies of academic staff in the State Universities in Sri Lanka. Further this study focus on
to study the significant different among academic position and conflict management
strategy. For this study the primary data which were collected from randomly selected 801
permanent academic staff using the structured five point scale questions from all 15 state
Universities in Sri Lanka. The Findings showed that there was a significant difference in
conflict management strategies adopted by academic staff in the state Universities in Sri
Lanka. Findings revealed that Academic position has a significant relationship with
integrating conflict management strategy while Academic position has no relationship with
forcing, obliging, avoiding and compromising strategy. Further there is a significant
different among current position of academic staff and CMS and also findings revealed that
academic position vary in handling conflict management strategies.