As today's organizations have to react to customer and competitors and then to manage their
own resources and capabilities. This study examines the effect of market orientation
components on customer satisfaction of food restaurants in Jaffna district. The model was
tested using data collected from 60 food restaurants and 600 major customers in Jaffna
district by using questionnaire. The findings illustrated the effects of the three components of
market orientation within Food restaurant firms as customer orientation, competitor
orientation and inter functional coordination influence on customer satisfaction. This
research consider the resource dependency theory, and Firms have major concern to create
customer value through adopting and anticipating developments with available resources
and capabilities. It provided managerial implications to food restaurant on market oriented
implementation strategies. Further firms understand retaining customers are very important
and customers can easily switch to competitive restaurants. Having proper inter-functional
coordination base on resource with consideration of customers and competitors leads to
success and survival of firms. Overall, high levels of customer orientation, competitor
orientation and inter functional coordination for food restaurants are healthy, the findings
also reveal that if every functional unit in a restaurant is wide and major minded with their
sole intention for dealing with customers to reap sustainable satisfaction.