Hindu College is a leading National school in the Jaffna district. There are 2315
students in this school. Students are belong selected to this school on merit. Most of the students
passed the Grade-5 examination. Students’ G.C.E (O/L) achievement is also satisfactory. In last
two years this school obtained 100% pass in G.C.E (O/L). But the G.C.E (A/L) performance is
degreasing in recent years. 65 students did not pass any one of the subjects last year. So, due to
the above reason this project has becomes predominant. Twenty two students from a J/Hindu
College and their parents participated in this study. There are 61 students studying bio- stream
in Grade – 13 (batch of 2012). Out of 61 students only 22 weak students were selected for this
The objectives of this is are to identify the factors related with students’ low achievement level
of biology, to identify and plan the intervention to improve the students’ achievement level,
implement the intervention, to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention continuously and
to increase the students’ achievement level through the intervention.
Pre-survey for students, post-survey for students, interviews with parents, conducted parentteacher conferences, pre-test in Biology, post-test in Biology, document ( Marks schedule,
Attendance Register) are the methods of data collecting in this study.
Problems faced by students regarding learning of biology in their home are laziness, duration of
learning is less at home, no self-learning at home, often sleepily in class, there is no proper place
for study at home, there is no hard work and memorization is difficult, there is no freedom at
home, and loss of memory.
Conducted extra classes (morning & evening classes) and more practical sessions, organized and
arranged local fieldtrip within Jaffna, encouraged Biology related group activities, conducted
remedial teaching, enhancing Biology instruction via Multimedia presentations, established
“Nature Appreciation Club” (NAC) in school in and encouraged students to be involved Biology
related activities through this club, conducted parent-teacher meeting regularly and encouraged
students participate in biology seminar, which conducted by Professor. Sarath Gottagama was
the methods which used to improve the students’ academic achievement.
Post-test marks of the students are higher than the pre-test marks, Regular attendance to the
school also increasing the students’ academic achievement, the incorporation of IT into the
Biology classroom can be accomplished by approaching variety of avenues, the complexity of the
Biology topics introduced can be overcome by connecting the biological principles to the
students’ “real-world” experiences, part of the solution to improve biology education is to help
ensure that students are taught by teachers with expertise in their subject areas, parents to meet
often with their child’s teachers not to disturb but to receive feedback as how your child is doing
in science courses and to uplift the child’s performance, parent – teacher Corporation helps to
improve the students’ achievement, out of school activities help to improve the students’
academic achievement, such as field trips and educational tours, students acquire more
knowledge, attitudes, and skills through practical than lecture method, factors related to
students help to improve the student achievement, such as moral character, Proper note taking,
practical recording, extra reading, and self-motivation and peer coaching.