Rational use of medicines reduces the risk
and wastage and increase the benefits to the patients.
Drug utilization studies describe pattern of drug use in
health facilities which in turn help to optimize the drug
use and promote rational use of medicines. Prescription
is a valuable tool to get information regarding drug
utilization. This study has been designed to describe the
drug utilization using drug use indicators at the out patient department (OPD) as preliminary step to optimize
the drug use at Teaching Hospital, Jaffna. In this study
fourteen drug use indicators were used to determine the
drug utilization pattern at OPD of Teaching Hospital
Jaffna. They are WHO prescribing indicators: 1) average
number of drugs per encounter, 2) percentage of drugs
prescribed by generic name, 3) percentage of encounters
with an antibiotic, 4) percentage of prescriptions with an
injection, 5) percentage of drug prescribed from essential
medicines list/ formulary; WHO facility indicators: 6)
availability of essential medicines list, 7) availability
of key drugs; WHO complementary indicators: 8)
percentage of patients treated without drugs, 9) average
drug cost per encounter, 10) percentage of drug cost
spent on antibiotics, 11) percentage of drug cost spent
on injections and indicators developed by investigators:
12) percentage of prescriptions with the documentation
of reason for prescribing a drug, 13) percentage of drugs
prescribed for common diseases, and 14) percentage of
complete prescriptions in terms of dose, dosage form,
frequency, duration and route of administration. It is
a hospital based cross sectional study and total of 640
prescriptions containing 1834 drugs on a single day were
collected and analyzed. Results show that some indicators
such as percentage of prescription with injection (2.7%),
percentage of drugs prescribed from essential medicine
list (95.6%) and percentage of prescriptions with the
documentation of reason for prescribing a drug (76.4%) are
satisfactory. However, important prescription indicators
are unsatisfactory particularly percentage of drugs
prescribed by generic name (41.4%), encounters with
an antibiotics (71.9%) and completeness of prescription
(0.0%). The study concludes that overall prescribing
practice is unsatisfactory and indicates the urgent need
of adequate training for prescribers and developing
monitoring system for prescribing and use of antibiotics.