The upper valleys of river basin should be studied for a better
understanding of the early Iron Age cultural landscape and for the purpose of
looking at alternative Iron Age sites in Wet Zone, Sri Lanka. This study
investigates the environmental conditions of the proto-historic culture at
Galatara, Kegalla, explains the relationship between to the location of this
site, the environmental elements and investigates the cultural relationships
with other archaeological sites which located at the upper Maha oya basin.
Field work was performed to record the observations of the physical
properties to support the data a comparative study or literary evidences was
carried out. This is a solitary cist burial site located in the wet low-mountain
area of Sri Lanka. The burials are found between the Urakanda range and the
Bible rock within the limits of the Marahenawatta. The archaeological site at
Galatara can be identified as cist burials site around the Early Iron age. This
site is situated at the turmeric garden at present, and this cist burial site
located in a small hill area. Nowadays we can see two burials on the surface
and others are under the earth. Two caps stones on the surface can be
measured. These investigations revealed pots and vessels containing bones,
charcoal, iron, weapons, and metal ornaments. Non Brahmi symbols cannot
be seen inside surface of these two capstones. It is clear that the uniform
pattern can be observed even within the river valleys of Sri Lanka. The
Galatara, proto historic site located at upper Maha Oya valley would be a
location important place for socio-economic activities at that time. Further
studies are expected to provide a complete understanding of the total
cultural ecological background around the Galatara site during the proto historic period.