dc.description.abstract |
This study examines the statistical properties of dynamic
behaviour of food inflation. The data used in this study consist of monthly
price indices for all variables from 2003 to 2010. They were obtained from the
Census and Statistics Department, Sri Lanka. The empirical analysis are done
using descriptive statistics, Confidence ellipse, autocorrelation function,
Kernel density function, Box-plot, GARCH model, Granger causality test,
co-integration test. The empirical results of ADF, PP test, KPSS test show
that food, nonfood, overall CPI price series in Sri Lanka are nonlinear, non stationary series with stochastic trend, I(1). Standard deviation of each
inflation rate distribution dominates the mean value. ARFIMA model
estimation shows that Food inflation, nonfood inflation and headline
inflation series are fractionally integrated. Their long memory parameter
estimates, d=0.374, 0.288, 0.389 are given respectively. They are less than 0.5.
This result indicates that inflation series are said to be long memory
stationary process. They are statistically significant different from zero. Each
ACF decays hyperbolically. Food prices are relatively persistent than non food prices. Food price inflation is not only more volatile but also on average
higher than non-food inflation. The co-integration analysis shows that food
and headline inflation series have long run relationship (co-integrated -EG
test). Slope coefficient of food inflation is 0.4747 and its p-value is 0.000.
Coefficient on the error correction term is negative (-0.86, p-value=0.000)
and statistically significant. The negative sign is consistent with theory.
Short run changes in the food inflation affect positively headline inflation.
Granger causality test shows that food inflation Granger cause non-food
inflation (P=0.013). Results show that there is statistical significant pass through from food price inflation to non-food price inflation. The food
inflation is highly persistent. GARCH analysis shows that ARCH and
GARCH effects of food inflation are very high (0.866) which implies that
shocks to the conditional variance will be highly persistent. The
contribution of food prices to headline inflation in Sri Lanka has increased
quite significantly since 2003 to date.The results of this study establish the
importance of food prices in overall inflation in Sri Lanka. Therefore, results
of this study have important implications for food policy and monetary
makers. |
en_US |