Livelihoods of the resettled IDPs were critically poor, immediately
after the resettlement process of post war recovery in Sri Lanka. Cash for
work (CFW) was implemented by emergency Northern recovery project to
facilitate them with mental and financial stability. It facilitates the
community for their short term employment; in the mean time it creates a
community ownership in the village, by renovating the community assets
with the participation of community itself. This facilitated the community
strengthening with livelihood development. This was identified as an ideal
method for emergency situations such as, post confect, post war, and post
disaster. This study area confines in Northern Province. Continuous review
was carried out since the begging of the CFW programme up to the final
stage of CFW programme. Focus group discussion (FGD) was carried out to
find out the strength and weakness of implementation of CFW programme
and recommendation for improvements. Impact assessment survey was done
to visualize the livelihood development of CFW beneficiaries during and
after the CFW programme. Modification in implementation of CFW
programme was undertaken throughout regular monitoring and evaluation
process. Finally, generalized model for implementation of CFW programme
for post emergency situation in Sri Lanka was developed. The common
recommendation for CFW were: carrying out baseline data collection,
developing overall objective, setting target for CFW programme,
determining the wage rate for CFW programme, recruitment and motivation
of staff, decide whether to collaborate with local NGOs, select community
based existing committee or new CFW committee, strengthening the
community groups, baseline profile of beneficiaries, selection of subproject,
design and implementation of the selected project, choosing a reliable
method for payment, set up monitoring and evaluation system and develop a
phasing out strategy to meet the sustainability of the CFW programme. By
implementing the proposed structure in the CFW programme will help to
uplift the community’s socio economic status with sustainable manner in the
future CFW programme.