Jaffna is considered one of the more affluent districts in
comparison to the other districts in the North. Unfortunately, the present
situation of Jaffna creates a lot of criticisms. The moral and spiritual
degradation of the younger generation reminds The Waste Land of T.S. Eliot.
Thus a Comparative study is done under the following sub-divisions: Lack of
faith, Lack of communication, Corruption of Life, Corruption of Sex,
Laziness, Infertility of both land and people, Abuse of Culture, and
Conclusion. Objectives of this study are: (i) To identify the threats
encountered by the Jaffna society and (ii) To be warned and to take remedial
steps to protect the land. According to the data, Jaffna did resemble in many
aspects, ‘The Waste Land’ written after 1st World War by T.S. Eliot. The
intellectuals, activists, media and social well-wishers should take necessary
steps to rescue the present society from such dangerous situation. More
researches can be done in future.