Food safety is very crucial in among the particular group of people. Poor eating habits
are a major concern among university students. Prime objective of this research was
to assess knowledge, attitude and behavior on food safety among the consumers in
Sri Lanka. As the method of the research, descriptive cross sectional community based
study was adopted. For the sampling it was obtain from density of the population of
each district in Sri Lanka. Simple random sampling technique was employed to the
study as in every district 5% of samples were collected from persons per square
kilometer of each district. Samples (n = 576) were collected from each district in the
Sri Lanka for the fulfillment of the survey. Finally 608 of samples were collected
including 32 of volunteer people. Data were approached from person with a print
version of the survey or an electronic link (Google form). A self-administered
questionnaire was use consumer in this study. The Statistical Package (SPSS 20) was
used for analyze the data on demographic, knowledge and attitude on food Safety
parts. Through descriptive, socio-demographic and knowledge of the participants
were described and expressed as frequencies. As the correlations the nutritional
knowledge had significant relationship (p <0.05) and (p <0.01) as variables. According
to the research hypothesis consumer knowledge, attitude and behavior on food safety
differ with the gender, educational level and the occupational variables. However,
geographical background of the respondents was not differing with the consumer
knowledge, attitude and behavior on food safety. Behavior and food handling
practices are very poor in Sri Lankan people. Therefore, the study concluded that
knowledge, attitude and behavior on food safety of consumer are a critical factor that
requires close attention.