Increasingly, governments in the Third Word countries are keen in the application of e governance with their sustainable development goals. These Applications is said to have an effect on
empowerment, poverty reduction and improving government responsiveness to poor community
who have had little prior access to public services. However, this paper indentifies a few benefits that
have been realized between hope and despair. In general, the lack of resources and technical
capacity has meant that e-governance applications cannot be scaled easily. The list of applications
can be divided into three broad categories: (a) delivering information and transactions services to
citizens, (b) delivering services to business and industry and increased efficiency within the
government, and (c) delivering services to internal clients. Several e-governance projects have failed
because they were not aligned with realistic expectations and the willingness of governments to
introduce basic reform. A reform agenda needs to be encouraged more broadly and e-governance
cannot be perceived as a panacea or the driver of the reform. This collateral and explorative attempt
projects the major trends and issues in the application of e-governance relating to empowering
people towards sustainable development in Third World Countries.