The study was carried out at reserve forest of Nagancholai in the Mullaitivu district to assess the status,
importance and future perspective of a forest species namely Mesua ferrea L., which is the national tree
of Sri Lanka belongs to Clusiaceae family and commonly called as iron wood or NA tree. The species
distribution area comes under Mulliyawali beat of the district and approximately covers the extent of 40
ha. World database on protected areas (WDPA ID) and IUCN category of the area is 27,431 and
wilderness area (Lb), respectively. About 30 sampling plots were randomly laid at a size of 20 m × 20m.
A total of 447 trees, 2,890 seedlings, 2,221 saplings were recorded for the species in the study areas.
Mean number of seedlings, saplings and trees per plot of the species were 96.3±14.23, 74.0±10.94 and
15.0±0.97, respectively, revealed that number of seedlings was greater than saplings followed by trees,
indicates that the species had a good regeneration capacity in the study areas. Mean tree height and
diameter of the species were 11.8±0.24 (25.9-3.7) m and 20.4±0.58 (66.6-2.8) cm, respectively. Mean
number of coppice from the main stem of the species was 1.2±0.07 (6-0). Sociocultural survey in the
study area revealed that the population is directly or indirectly responsible for the deforestation and
degradation of the species and the timber of the species illegally logged. Hence, regeneration assessment
is an important part of evaluation of the forest status and finally, the study focus for monitoring and
managing tree species diversity, forests, and carbon stocks on a regional, national and global level, which
aims to assess the conservation status of the species and forest management and development programme
in the district.