Internet financial reporting is an emerging form of reporting channel
as well as voluntary in nature. There are no specific prescribed regulations, hence,
there are disparities of internet financial reporting practices among companies
regardless of the nature of businesses as well as countries. Much entities-related
information is reported for the better decision making of its stakeholders. This
investigation aims to examine the potential factors that may affect the level of
internet financial reporting of Sri Lankan companies. The sample of the study
consists of 298 firms listed on Colombo Stock Exchange. In order to investigate the
extent of internet financial reporting practices, the website of the companies for the
year 2020 were analyzed through content analysis, which was then used to develop
an index. Internet financial reporting index is developed weighted sum of disclosures
of basic and non-financial information about the bu8siness, users friendly,
timeliness, accessibility information, and investors relations information and
components of financial information. Firm size, profitability, leverage, and industry
types are considered independent variables that influence the companies’ internet
financial reporting practices. The finding of this study indicated that firm size and
leverage have significant effects on the total score of internet financial reporting
levels (F= 15.017; P < 0.05), which predicts 21.8 percent of the variation in the
internet financial reporting level. It could be concluded that large firm size has a high
intention to disclosure all types of information mainly in investors’ relation
information than others. The results are also in line with the agency theory which
claims that larger firms will avoid the agency problems by enhancing disclosures of
all types of information for their related parties on corporate websites. Further,
companies that have high leverage firms are responsible to satisfy the creditors’
needs by publishing reliable information on the websites to ensure the creditors have
high confidence in their ability to pay the debts. Future investigation is needed with
more other variables in a different context.