Indigenous Medicine of Sri Lanka consists of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Medicines. Herbal drugs
are commonly used in Siddha Medicine. Peenisa Rogam is one of the common diseases of neck
and above. Jala Peenisa choornam (JPC) mentioned in Siddha literature for the treatment of
Jaladosham (Acute rhinitis) contains powder of Caesalpinia bonducella seeds, Curciuma longa
rhizome and Nigella sativa seeds in 2:1:1 w/w ratio. There is no validated scientific data on the
efficacy of JPC on Peenisa Rogam. Therefore, this study was aimed to standardize the JPC in
terms of phytochemicals, physico-chemicals and antioxidants as total polyphenolic content (TPC)
before evaluating the efficacy. C. bonducella seeds, C. longa rhizome and N. sativa seeds were
cleaned, dried, powdered separately and blend together in 2:1:1 w/w ratio to obtain JPC and used
for the standardization. TPC was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method.
The results revealed that the physico-chemical parameters: moisture, total ash, acid-insoluble ash,
water soluble ash, water extractable matter and ethanol extractable matter are 2%, 4.98±0.001%,