Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a non-communicable disease, which causes progressive
kidney damage and serious complications. Hemodialysis is a management method
currently used worldwide to reduce or control symptoms related to CKD. Prior to the
hemodialysis treatment, a proper vascular access such as Arteriovenous fistula (AV
Fistula) is needed to maintain blood flow throughout the treatment. There is a lack of
contemporary data on knowledge and factors on self-care behaviors on arteriovenous
fistula among CKD patients who have undergone Hemodialysis in the Jaffna peninsula
in Sri Lanka. The general objective of this study is to assess the knowledge and
factors influencing self-care behaviors of Arteriovenous Fistula among CKD patients in
hemodialysis units in the Jaffna Peninsula. Descriptive cross-sectional study was done
among 155 registered CKD patients in Hemodialysis units in the Teaching Hospital
Jaffna, the Base Hospital Thelippalai, the Base Hospital Chawakachchei and the Base
Hospital Point Pedro in the Jaffna Peninsula. All registered patients with CKD who
had undergone hemodialysis with permanent AV Fistula, over 12 years old age were
included as the sample and patients with psychiatric disorders with communication
barriers were excluded from the study. The study found that 68.9% of patients had
adequate knowledge of self-care behaviors of AV Fistula and the rest ( 31.1% ) of the
patients belonged to the inadequate knowledge category. Finally, the results revealed
that attending regular follow-up clinics were significantly associated with knowledge of
self-care behavior Av fistula among CKD patients who have undergone hemodialysis.