Browsing by Author Surendran, S.N.

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Active case study at Arivial Nagar : a malaria endemic locality in the district of KilinochiKannathasan, S.; Surendran, S.N.; Srikrishnaraj, K.A.
2018Adaptation of Aedes aegypti to salinity: Characterized by larger anal papillae in larvaeSurendran, S.N.; Sivabalakrishnan, K.; Jayadas, T.T.P.; Santhirasegaram, S.; Laheetharan, A.; Senthilnanthanan, M.; Ramasamy, R.
2021Aedes larval bionomics and implications for dengue control in the paradigmatic Jafna peninsula, northern Sri LankaSurendran, S.N.; Jayadas, T.T.P.; Thiruchenthooran, V.; Raveendran, S.; Tharsan, A.; Sharanga, S.; Kokila, S.; Suthakar, K.; Bharathy, Ponnaiah; Laksiri, G.; Malavige, G.N.; Ranjan, R.
2010The Anopheles culicifacies and An subpictus species complexes in Sri Lanka and their implications for malaria control in the countrySurendran, S.N.; Ramasamy, R.
2010The anopheles culicifacies and an. subpictus species complexes in Sri Lanka and their implications for Malaria control in the countrySurendran, S.N.; Ramasamy, R
2010Anopheles culicifacies breeding in brackish waters in Sri Lanka and implications for malaria controlJude, P.J; Dharshini, S; Vinobaba, M; Surendran, S.N.; Ramasamy, R
2006Anopheles culicifacies sibling species B and E in Sri Lanka differ in longevity and in their susceptibility to malaria parasite infection and common insecticidesSurendran, S.N.; Ramasamy, M.S; De Silva, B.G.D.N.K; Ramasamy, R
2000Anopheles culicifacies Y-chromosome dimorphism indicates sibling species (b and e) with different malaria vector potential in Sri LankaSurendran, S.N.; Abhayawardana, T.A; De Silva, B.G.D.N.K; Ramasamy, R; Ramasamy, M.S
2020Anopheline bionomics, insecticide resistance and transnational dispersion in the context of controlling a possible recurrence of malaria transmission in Jaffna city in northern Sri LankaSurendran, S.N.; Jayadas, T.T.P.; Tharsan, A.; Thiruchenthooran, V.; Santhirasegaram, S.; Sivabalakrishnan, K.; Raveendran, S.; Ramasamy, R.
2019Anthropogenic factors driving recent range expansion of the malaria vector anopheles stephensiSurendran, S.N.; Sivabalakrishnan, K.; Sivasingham, A.; Jayadas, T.T.P.; Karvannan, K.; Santhirasegaram, S.; Gajapathy, K.; Senthilnanthanan, M.; Karunaratne, S.P.; Ramasamy, R.
2019Anthropogenic Factors Driving Recent Range Expansion of the Malaria Vector Anopheles stephensiSurendran, S.N.; Kokila, S.; Arthiyan, S.; Jayadas, T.P.P.; Karvannan, K.; Sharanga, S.; Gajapathy, K.; Meena, S.; Parakrma Karunaratne, S.H.P.; Ranjan, R.
2018Antimicrobial Effect of the Crude Extract of Hermetia illucens Larva (Black Soldier Fly) on Selected Fungi and Bacteria.Mathyamuthan, J.P.; Thavaranjit, A.C.; Surendran, S.N.
2014Biological Differences between Brackish and Fresh Water-Derived Aedes aegypti from Two Locations in the Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka and the Implications for Arboviral Disease TransmissionRamasamy, R.; Jude, P.J.; Veluppillai, T.; Eswaramohan, T.; Surendran, S.N.
2014Bionomic aspects of the Anopheles subpictus species complex in Sri LankaPavillupillai, J.J.; Ramasamy, R.; Surendran, S.N.
2014Characterization of the temporal and spatial dynamics of the dengue epidemic in northern Sri LankaAnno, S.; Imaoka, K.; Tadono, T.; Igarashi, T.; Sivaganesh, S.; Kannathasan, S.; Kumaran, Vaithehi; Surendran, S.N.
2007Chikungunya-type fever outbreak : some aspects related to this new epidemic in Jaffna District, northern Sri LankaSurendran, S.N.; Kannathasan, S.; Kajatheepan, A.; Jude, P.J.
2019The clinical profle, hematological parameters and liver transaminases of dengue NS1 Ag positive patients admitted to Jafna Teaching Hospital, Sri LankaJayadas, T. T. P.; Kumanan, T.; Arasaratnam, V.; Gajapathy, K.; Surendran, S.N.
2019The clinical profle, hematological parameters and liver transaminases of dengue NS1 Ag positive patients admitted to Jafna Teaching Hospital, Sri LankaJayadas, T. T. P.; Kumanan, T.; Arasaratnam, V.; Gajapathy, K.; Surendran, S.N.
2020A Cost Effective Electrocoagulation System for Improving Drinking Water QualityThabojanan, T.; Thusyanthy, M.; Saravan, S.; Senthilnanthanan, M.; Eswaramohan, T.; Gajapathy, K.; Surendran, S.N.
2022Dengue Incidence and Aedes Vector Collections in Relation to COVID-19 Population Mobility RestrictionsSurendran, S.N.; Nagulan, R.; Tharsan, A.; Kokila, S.; Ranjan, R.