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Taxonorny and biology of sandflies in selected districts in Sri Lanka; a combined molecular, maorphological and ecological approach

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dc.contributor.author Gajapathy, K.
dc.date.accessioned 2022-01-04T08:17:58Z
dc.date.accessioned 2022-06-28T03:15:20Z
dc.date.available 2022-01-04T08:17:58Z
dc.date.available 2022-06-28T03:15:20Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.identifier.uri http://repo.lib.jfn.ac.lk/ujrr/handle/123456789/4831
dc.description.abstract Sri Lanka has been knc,wn for leishmaniasis and sandflies for a long time. The diversity of sandflies and their vectorial capacity have not been fuily documented in the country. A sun ey was carried out in 8 districts whieh have recordings for sandflies andzor leishmanrasis. Trvc species from the genus Phiebotomus and i4 species ftom the genus Sergentomyia were identified basecl. on morphology. Ten of thern were reporied fcr rhe first time from the counl;v. Phlebatomus (Euphlebotomus) argefiipes was the predcminant snecies. Ph. (Eup.) argentipes was proposed as a species cornpiex with morphologically simiier 3 sibling specics. Mciecular data with 18S, 28S ri)NA, ITS2 (nuclear markers) and cytochroine oxidase subuuit I (COl and cytoctrrome b oxidase {.c1,tb) (mitochontlnai markers) ievealed thc presence or" 1.,!o mcieculat trrpes and possibiy two sibiing species. The sibiin,e species (named as A, whicir was previcusi;- not reported to feer{ on humans was faund to be antiro*aphagic and carrrv' L,eishrntania liriA a.s well. l-he disfribu';irr.,t,attern of l\r siiilin-o-:;-*,:.-,-'. j)v(r a','ear tend to ,rry ,vith peaks it d{" months.'Ii:0 I11*,':'- ,,fluential enviromlental pararnettL atl'ecti;rg the ciistribulto,i cf ;i.' jfi:es ishuir:,idit-v. ;,'heir er:cioohag.c behavic'i:.r r.vas aiso ie';ealed. Fhyiogeny of tiie sanofl,ies basei ,,'rii.8S, 28S il.boson:al i]ldA (D3) :nd c3tci:hri:iue oxr;iase s:ibunit i (CS4 3nd ilr;,egliu.i1,r Lroxidase (cllb) sequence data was created and ttre morrcphfly i;f the orjentai sanCfi,r' Esridre \rr'?.s challenged. The pclSpiiiy/paraphyiy of tlie two ma3,--ir genera .,r'as recc'dered itora the futa. Thr proposed co-evolutic,n paftern of the yectcr-par:asite ,:,.as alsc: r:lc-f reveaieci. 'ihe piryicgeretic relatiensliip among th.e subgenera cf the oriental sap,dfiies is reassesseo anrl the fiiost probableorre is proposi:d. T}:e reiationship among the; silbgenera of,the san,,tf,lies is also reassesseci, en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Jaffna en_US
dc.title Taxonorny and biology of sandflies in selected districts in Sri Lanka; a combined molecular, maorphological and ecological approach en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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