Directory of Open Access Repositories (DOAR) is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. It provides a quality – assured listing of open access repositories around the world. DOAR harvest and assign metadata to allow categorization and analyses to assist the wider use and exploitation of repositories. This paper highlights the growth and development of open access repositories on Library and Information Science (LIS) subject area handled by various organizations
which were registered under DOAR database. The study explores various
aspects of open repositories and tries to present their overall development
with respect to (LIS). Also it provides a detail description of repositories in
terms of continent, country, organization, software, repository types,
repository operations, operational status, most frequent content type,
frequent language and growth of the open DOAR database with respect to
LIS subject area. The result shows that European continent maintain large
number of repositories for LIS, within this continent, United States has high
number of repositories. Journal articles and thesis and dissertation are the
highly used content type among all counties, also most of the repositories.
Hold multi content type. DSpace (42.6%) and E-Print are the widely used
software to develop repositories. English was the most frequently used
language for the open access repositories. This study shows status of LIS
subject repositories all around the world and its awareness among the LIS
organization to develop repositories for the different kind of users.