ABSTRACT. Idioscopus nagpurensis (Pruthi), reported as the first record in Sri Lanka, is
described with respect to external and internal anatomy along with other Idiocerine
leafhoppers, Idioscopus clypealis (Lethierry), I. nitidulus (Walker) and Amritodus
brevistylus Viraktamath. Idioscopus nagpurensis closely resembles I. clypealis but differs in
the coloration of the clypellus and the structure of the male genitalia. A taxonomic key is
provided for the identification of the four species associated with mango in Sri Lanka. The
specimens of I. nagpurensis were collected in selected locations of Dry Zone and Wet Zone.
Idioscopus nagpurensis formed comparatively higher percentage in leafhopper complex
associated with mango foliage in Dry Zone compared to Wet Zone. In addition to mango,
I. nagpurensis is also associated with other trees. The adult leafhoppers were also collected
from Persea gratissiwa, Mesua nagassarium, Nephelium lappaceum, Averrhoa carambola,
Piper nigrum, Coffea arabica and Theobroma cacao.