Project based learning (PBL) has become more
popular due to its student centered nature of learning compared
to traditional modes of learning. However, it is not always
feasible to implement it due to several reasons. At the University
of New South Wales, the PBL mode was trialled on an
introductory Digital Signal Processing course for two
consecutive years and the evaluation was previously reported.
After that, based on the experience of PBL implementation,
some elements of PBL have been incorporated with traditional
mode of teaching to enhance the traditional mode and that
enhanced traditional mode have been continued. The experience
of enhancing the traditional mode with components derived
from PBL, particularly the inclusion of conceptual design
presentation and laboratory tests, are promising. This paper
presents the task description of PBL and experience of how
some of the components of PBL can be utilized to enhance the
traditional mode of teaching.