Through the present study we vindicated the crop water
requirement for eggplant by using Arduino based soil
moisture investigator and compared the total water
requirement with the quantity of water being applied by
farmers to save such excess quantity of water being
wasted by the farmers. Therefore a device was
established in the Arduino platform in order to detect
the soil moisture, as the moisture sensor shows only the
resistance between the two probes. It was calibrated
with direct moisture meter to obtain the moisture
readings directly. Then selected egg plants were planted
in two drip fixed fields in two different times. Such time
variation in planting was maintained to facilitate the
root study in one field before the irrigation of the test
field. Hence, according to the measured root length the
soil moisture sensors were inserted into the soil in the
test field and plants were irrigated up to the field
capacity by using the moisture detection. The measured
quantity of water which is actually needed by an
eggplant up to 108 days after planting was around
149.26 liter. Simultaneously an investigation was carried
out to find the quantity of water being applied by
farmers. Finally. The measured quantity of water being
applied by the farmers was 604.8 liter and it is 4.05 times
higher than actual water requirement. Therefore, by
using this soil moisture sensing technique it is possible to
save a huge amount of water.