Transmission media are the physical pathways (guided or unguided) that connect computers, other
devices, and people on a network. Computers and telecommunication devices use signals to represent
data. These signals are transmitted from a device to another in the form of electromagnetic energy.
Examples of Electromagnetic energy include power, radio waves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet
light, and X and gamma rays. All these electromagnetic signals constitute the electromagnetic spectrum.
Each portion of the spectrum requires a particular or unique transmission media for the transfer of data
such we call as Twisted Pair, Coaxial cable, Optical fibber, Satellite, and Wireless etc. In the paper, The
Guided (Twisted Pair, Coaxial cable, Optical fiber) and the Unguided Microwaves (Satellite, wifi, wimax,
bluetooth) transmission mediums are compared with help of relative plots in terms of their networking
capabilities (e.g., speed, damping length, Bandwidth, Cost and Get connection). Optical fibber in the
guided media outperforms other medias in better networking performance but optical fibber cable
connection is sensitive than twisted Pair and Coaxial cable connections and require higher cost that the
same. Twisted pair outperforms coaxial cable. Here it is also notable that coaxial cable can be connected
easily without order, but twisted pair not like that. Among Unguided; wimax outperforms other medias
in better networking performance in long range even though wi-fi is a substitute for providing a greater
power of access than wimax in short range. Here all unguided mediums are better for ease of access
than guided.