VIDIIA Hunter : a low-cost, smartphone connected, artificial intelligence-assisted COVID-19 rapid diagnostic platform approved for medical use in the UK
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VIDIIA Hunter : a low-cost, smartphone connected, artificial intelligence-assisted COVID-19 rapid diagnostic platform approved for medical use in the UK
Aurore, C.P.; Riaño Moreno, R.D.; Takaindisa, L.; Jessie, C.; Mehat, J.W.; Abi, H.; Rohaim, M.A.; Williams, C.; Burkhart, P.; Conlon, C.; Wilson, M.; McClumpha, M.; Anna Stedman; Guido Cordoni; Branavan, M.; Mukunthan, T.; Chaudhry, N.S.; Nicolas Locker; Anil, F.; Balachandran, W.; Bullen, M.; Collins, N.; Rimer, D.; Horton, D.L.; Munir, M.; Roberto, M.L.R.
Accurate and rapid diagnostics paired with effective tracking and tracingsystemsarekeytohaltingthespreadofinfectiousdiseases,limiting the emergenceofnewvariantsandtomonitorvaccineefficacy.Thecurrentgold standard test (RT-qPCR)forCOVID-19ishighlyaccurateandsensitive,butistimeconsuming,andrequiresexpensivespecialised,lab-basedequipment.