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Results 4721-4730 of 9713 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Anthelmintic effect of biorationals against the root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita colonizing chilli rhizosphereKarunasena, P.D.N.S.; Pakeerathan, K.; Thileepan, T.; Mikunthan, G.
2022Nano-based formulation of Acarous calamus rhizome extract and its efficacy on Aspergillus flavusKanagasabai, V.; Pakeerathan, K.; Sashikesh, G.
2022Impacts of selected pesticides on parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata pallister under laboratory conditions in Sri LankaHalangoda, H.R.; Pakeerathan, K.; Mikunthan, G.
2022Potential of Chlorella sp. grown in wastewater on the growth and yield of Amaranthus sp.Saththivel, P.; Jeyakumar, K.; Gnanavelrajah, N.; Ketheesan, B.
2022Holistic Dynamics of Urban Pond Infrastructure for Flood Risk Mitigation – A Case Study on Jaffna Municipal Council AreaThawsika, S.; Rajapakse, R. L. H.
2022Effect of Tree Plantation Location and Crown Shape on Cross-Ventilation of a Generic Building – A CFD StudyBuddika, J.W.G.; Weerasuriya, A.U.; Lewangamage, C. S.; Xuelin, Z.
2022Vehicle Parking Mobile NetworkMuralitharan, R.
2022Evaluation of Safety Performance in Provincial Road NetworkTharmarajah, S.; Pasindu, H.R.
2022Feasibility of Cement Mortar System with Industrial Metal Fibre WastePerera, K.D.Y.G.; Ahamed, Y.L.F.; Somarathna, H.M.C.C.
2022Controls of solar power systems for grid connected and islanded mode operationsNagaratnam, R.; Thiriambahasharma, K.; Ratnakumar, R.; Manchukan, Y.; Kanagasundram, A.; Arulampalam, A.