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Title: Therapeutic Effectiveness of Siddha Herbo Mineral Drug of Gandhaka Rasayanam-A Review
Authors: Sripandurangana, R.
Jebanamaganeshan, I.
Sounthararajan, K.
Keywords: Siddha medicine;Gandhaka Rasayanam;Organoleptic character;Pharmacological activity
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: 2nd Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2020
Abstract: Siddha Medicine is an oldest Traditional Medicine which was practiced by Saint Siddhas. Siddha Medicine originated from Southern part of India and Northern and Eastern part of Sri Lanka. Siddha Medicines prepared from raw materials that is used mooligaikal(herbals), thathukkal (minerals including metals, salts, paadanam, uparasan), jeevam (animal and animal products). Gandhaka rasayanam is one of the Siddha herbo mineral preparation with 16 ingredients, including 15 herbals (Dried raw materials) and one mineral ingredient which is mentioned in authenticated siddha classical text book. It is used to treat various diseases, such as mega noi, kuddam, kiraani, moolam, kunmam and particularly used for all type of skin diseases (sarma noikal). The aim of this study is a review on therapeutic effectiveness of Siddha herbo mineral drug of Gandhaka Rasayanam in literature aspect and focused on the organoleptic character and pharmacological activities of the ingredients of the drug which are responsible for curing the skin diseases. Data was collected by using siddha classical text book and other text books and Google scholar from September 2019 to January of 2020. According to the organoleptic character, taste, potency and efficacy of the drug have 27% bitter, 23% pungent and sweet, 62% heat (ushna thanmai), 50% pungent and 44% sweet respectively. Most of the raw materials used for preparation of Gandhaka Rasayanam have immunomodulatory activity, antimicrobial activity, anti- inflammatory activity, antioxidant activity, anti-allergic activity thus, justifying its usage in skin diseases. This review provides useful documentary evidence about collecting data of Gandhaka Rasayanam. However, there is a need to further research.
Appears in Collections:Siddha Medicine

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