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Title: Structure prediction for gland segmentation with hand-crafted and deep convolutional features
Authors: Siyamalan, M.
Keywords: Molecular and cellular imaging;Gastrointestinal tract;Segmentation
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: We present a novel method to segment instances of glandular structures from colon histopathology images. We use a structure learning approach which represents local spatial configurations of class labels, capturing structural information normally ignored by slidingwindow methods. This allows us to reveal different spatial structures of pixel labels (e.g., locations between adjacent glands, or far from glands), and to identify correctly neighboring glandular structures as separate instances. Exemplars of label structures are obtained via clustering and used to train support vector machine classifiers. The label structures predicted are then combined and postprocessed to obtain segmentationmaps.We combine handcrafted, multi-scale image features with features computed by a deep convolutional network trained to map images to segmentation maps. We evaluate the proposed method on the public domain GlaS data set, which allows extensive comparisons with recent, alternative methods. Using the GlaS contest protocol, ourmethod achieves the overall best performance.
ISSN: 0278-0062
Appears in Collections:Computer Science

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