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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 138
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Sri Lankan Intellectual Capital Disclosure: An Empirical AnalysisPratheepkanth, P.; Ajanthan, A.; Kengatharan, L.
2019Audit Committee Characteristics on Intellectual Capital Disclosure: A Study of Sri LankaPratheepkanth, P.
2020Do Audit Committee Attributes Affect Firm Performance of Sri Lankan Firms?Pratheepkanth, P.
2019Does managerial ability matter for the choice of seasoned equity offerings?Pratheepkanth, P.; Dang Man.; Henry, D.; Pratheepkanth, P.; Mamun, Md.A.L.
2019Inventory management practices impact on gross profit margin: A study on beverage, food and tobacco sector listed companies of Sri LankaSritharan, V.
2020Interrelationship between inventory management and return on equity: an empirical assessment of sri lankan beverage, food and tobacco sector listedSritharan, V.
2021Intellectual capital efficiency and firm performance: a study of listed manufacturing companies in sri lankaAravinth, S.; Sritharan, V.
2010Value added reporting: a case study of abans listed manufacturing company limited in sri lankaSubramaniam, V.A.; Nimalathasan, B.
2009Social responsibility of business: a case study of grameen phone in bangladeshNimalathasan, B.
2011Market efficiency or not: a study of emerging market of colombo stock exchange (cse) in sri lankaArulvel, K. K.; Balaputhiran, S.; Ramesh, S.; Nimalathasan, B.
2014Market efficiency and its impact on share price: a study of listed manufacturing companies in sri lankaNimalathasan, B.; Nishanthini, A.
2013Leverage and its impact on earnings and share price a special reference to listed companies of colombo stock exchange (cse) in sri lankaNimalathasan, B.; Elangkumaran, P.
2009Determinants of key performance indicators (kpis) of private sector banks in srilanka: an application of exploratory factor analysisNimalathasan, B.
2020Corporate transparency and firm value: evidence from sri lankaRajakulanajagam, N.; Nimalathasan, B.
2013Corporate governance and banking performance: a comparative study between private and state banking sector in sri lankaAjanthan, A.; Balaputhiran, S.; Nimalathasan, B.
2011Capital budgeting practices: a study of companies listed on the colombo stock exchange sri lankaRamesh, S.; Nimalathasan, B.
2011Bonus issue announcements and its impact on share prices of colombo stock exchange (cse) in sri lankaRamesh, S.; Nimalathasan, B.
2019Audit committee characteristics and their impact on intellectual capital disclosure: a study of listed manufacturing companies in sri lankaNimalathasan, B.
2009An investigation of financial soundness of listed manufacturing companies in sri lanka: an application of altman’s modelNimalathasan, B.
2008An assocaition between organisational growth and profitability: a study of commercial bank of ceylon ltd srilankaVelnampy, T.; Nimalathasan, B.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 138