Browsing by Author Sivayokan, S.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Adaptation and Validation of the Tamil (Sri Lanka) Version of the Montreal Cognitive AssessmentCoonghe, P. A. D.; Fonseka, P.; Sivayokan, S.; Keshavaraj, A.
2022An audit of the consultation-liaison psychiatric services in a tertiary hospital in Sri Lanka: An interim quarterly reportSivayokan, S.; Vaitheki, U.; Kalaichelvi, P.; Sivayokan, B.
2024Body image dissatisfaction and social anxiety among Jaffna medical studentsNilani, S.; Krishika, P.; Bandara, S.M.S.H.; Madushika, D.M.D.U.; Kulenthiran, I.; Kumar, R.; Sivayokan, S.
2022The boon for hope and hard work: A case illustration of autism recovery in JaffnaTharmila, S.; Hasthanee, R.; Sivayokan, S.
2021Caring for dementia: a burden? a cross sectional study on the primary caregivers who are in contact with the Mental Health Unit at Teaching Hospital JaffnaMahinthan, K.; Kamsika, M.; Thuvaraha, M.; Piyarathna, H.D.C.J.; Amarakoon, A.M.M.R.; Coonghe, P.A.D.; Sivayokan, S.; Sivakanthan, S.
2024Challenges and associated factors of being a Nursing Officer in the Teaching Hospital JaffnaHajeekaran, L.; Keerthika, Y.; Kavindu Hansaka, M.A.W.; Uvashri, T.; Thayashakhary, A.; Kumarendran, B.; Sivayokan, S.
2019Coping pattern and related selected factors among parents of children with autism attending to a special school in Northern Sri LankaCoonghe, P. A. D.; Sobitha, S.; Thashika, K.; Mythili, T.; Sivayokan, S.
2022Dysfunctional breathing: an emerging trend in somatizationSivayokan, S.; Sivathas, S.; Kalaichelvi, P.
2020Effect of head injury and influencing factors and cognitive function of patients attending neurosurgical clinic teaching hospital, JaffnaKrishnananthan, C.K.; Sivayokan, S.; Ragavan, S.; Jegapragash, V.
2024The effect of structured physical activity on behavior, sensory profile, and skill acquisition in autistic childrenSivapalan, S.; Sivayokan, B.; Raveenthiran, K.; Sivapathamoorthy, T.; Seevaratnam, T.; Sivayokan, S.
2023Establishing a novel partnership model to deploy health services for children with autism in a low-resource setting – experience from Sri LankaSivayokan, B.; Sivayokan, S.; Kumanan, T.; Sathiadas, G.; Sreeharan, N.
2022Examining post-conflict stressors in northern Sri Lanka: A qualitative studyThomas, F.C.; Souza, M.D.; Magwood, O.; Thilakanathan, D.; Sukumar, V.; Doherty, S.; Dass, G.; Hart, T.; Sivayokan, S.; Wickramage, K.; Kirupakaran, S.; McShane, K.
2020Facebook addiction and associated factors among science undergraduates who use Facebook at University of JaffnaNarmithajini, K.; Wathsala, K.M.G.G.K.; Keethaalayan, T.; Kumar, R.; Sivayokan, S.
2012Influence of personal factors on the perceived stress level of students of college of nursing, jaffnaSathees, S.; Sivapalan, K.; Sivayokan, S.
2020Knowledge on postpartum depression and its management and factors associated with knowledge among midwives in the Jaffna districtBalapaskaran, T.; Kamalarupan, L.; Sivayokan, S.
2020Knowledge on postpartum depression and its management and factors associated with knowledge among midwives in the Jaffna districtBalapaskaran, T.; Kamalarupan, L.; Sivayokan, S.
2020Knowledge on postpartum depression and its management and factors associated with knowledge among midwives in the Jaffna districtBalapaskaran, T.; Kamalarupan, L.; Sivayokan, S.
2018Life skills competency levels and associated socio-demographic factors among G.C.E O/L students in the Sandilipay Education Division.Sayini, B.; Abirami, A.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Sivayokan, S.
2024Mental health literacy among first-year undergraduates at University of JaffnaSivapalan, S.; Sivayokan, B.; Achuthan, S.; Kesavan, S.; Saravanan, R.; Sithamparapanan, K.; Vijayakumaran, N.; Coonghe, P.A.D.; Sivayokan, S.
2024The patterns of traditional healing practices among first-contact patients with psychiatric services in two mental health facilities in JaffnaMahendranathan, S.; Umahsuthan, V.; Ponnuraj, K.; Kamalnathan, P.; Sivayokan, S.