Browsing by Author Manoranjan, T.

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Antifungal Bioassay and Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of Extracts of Curcuma longaKayalvili, V.; Jeyadevan, J.P.; Thavaranjit, A.C.; Manoranjan, T.
2020Antimicrobial and phytochemical screening of various extracts of vernonia zeylanica, merremia tridentata and maanpaanjaanMayurathan, K.; Manoranjan, T.; Niranjan, K.
2012Bioassay guided isolation of cassia alata stem bark extractJeyasakthy, S.; Srikaran, R.; Jeyadevan, J.P.; Thavaranjit, A.C.; Manoranjan, T.
2017Characterization of a Mercury based Siddha Drug - Sinna Sivappu mathiraiThahira, M. W. Z.; Vijayakumar, T.; Jeyadevan, J. P.; Manoranjan, T.
2020Developemnt of antibacterial herbal gel containing leaves extracts of acalypha indica and eclipta albaSamsun Nisha, A.B.; Thivya, J.; Thuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Manoranjan, T.
2020Development of antibacterial herbal gel containing leaves extracts of Acalypha indica and Eclipta albaSamsun Nisha, A.B.; Thivya, J.; Thuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.J.; Manoranjan, T.
2018Evaluation of in vitro antiurolithiatic activity of selected plants on experimentally prepared calcium oxalate stonesThuvaragan, S.; Samarathunga, Dhanushi; Haridas, Ceyloni; Manoranjan, T.; Kandeepan, K.
2014Investigation of antifungal properties of lantana camara stem bark extract and its bioassay guided fractionationGobika, A.; Jeyadevan, J.P.; Thavaranjit, A.C.; Manoranjan, T.
2023Invitro determination of alpha amylase inhibitory activity of two selected medicinal plants extractsLiyanaarachchi, L. V. V.; Rathnayake, H.M.A. L.; Wijesundara, W.M.A.G.U.I.; Sivasinthujah, S.; Manoranjan, T.
2024Standardization and preliminary phytochemical screening of Kodiveli chooranumVaruna, V.; Thayalini, T.; Velauthamurty, K.; Manoranjan, T.
2022Study the Silica Content of Paddy Husks from Different Varieties of Paddy Cultivated in North Western Province, Sri LankaJayathilake, S. M. C. Y.; Manoranjan, T.