Browsing by Author Kannan, N.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 46  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Adsorptive behavior of engineered biochar /hydrochar for tetracycline removal from synthetic wastewaterYanushiya, J.; Thusalini, A.; Kannan, N.
2018Arduino based soil moisture analyzer as an effective way for irrigation schedulingSayanthan, S.; Thiruvaran, T.; Kannan, N.
2018Arduino based soil moisture analyzer as an effective way for irrigation schedulingSayanthan, S.; Thiruvaran, T.; Kannan, N.
2024Biochar from waste biomass, its fundamentals, engineering aspects, and potential applications: an overviewKannan, N.; Asharp, T.; Jeganathan, Y.
2017Changes in physical and mechanical properties of tomato during growth and developmentBavithira, T.; Kannan, N.; Pirabhaharan, M.
2022-11-03Changes in physical properties of black gram (Vigna mungo) during growth and developmentBhiranavi, S.; Thusalini, A.; Sritharan, S.; Kannan, N.
2023Changes in physical properties of two different banana accessions under different storage conditionsAsenika, G.H.K.N.; Thusalini, A.; Jayasuriya, D.M.N.H.; Kannan, N.
2018Changes in soil properties due to tillage by four wheel tractor mounted tillage implementsLuxshana, T.; Kannan, N.; Prabhaharan, M.
2018Changes in Soil Properties due to Tillage by Four Wheel Tractor Mounted Tillage ImplementsLuxshana, T.; Kannan, N.; Prabhaharan, M.
2022-11-03Combined effect of hot water soaking and submerged aerated soaking on paddy hydrationRisviya, M.I.H.F.; Thusalini, A.; Kannan, N.
2024Comparative examination of leaching kinetics of soluble solids and effluent characteristics in different soaking processes of paddy parboilingLakmali, I.; Jeganathan, Y.; Kannan, N.
2021Comprehensive Evaluation of Aerated Soaking for Paddy Parboiling in an Eco-Friendly MannerNeshankine, C.; Kannan, N.
2021A Comprehensive Evaluation Of Oxygen Dynamics And Paddy Hydration During Conventional Soaking Of Paddy Parboiling ProcessNeshankine, C.; Kannan, N.
2016Design and Fabrication of Sand Filter to treat Greywater to use in Cottage levelVimaladhas, V.; Kannan, N.; Pirabhaharan, M.; Thushyanthy, M.
2023Effect of Cabinet Drying on Nutritional Quality and Drying Kinetics of Brinjal (Solanum Melongena L) and Bitter Gourd (Momordica CharantiaVaishnavi, P.; Vasantharuba, S.; Kannan, N.
2018Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Growth Parameters of EggplantSayanthan, S.; Thiruvaran, T.; Kannan, N.
2018Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Growth Parameters of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)Sayanthan, S.; Thiruvaran, T.; Kannan, N.
2021Effect of Submerged Aeration on Soaking Water and Grain Characteristics of Paddy Parboiling ProcessNeshankine, C.; Kannan, N.
2021Effect of Submerged Aeration on Soaking Water and Grain Characteristics of Paddy Parboiling ProcessNeshankine, C.; Kannan, N.
2021Effect of Thermodynamics on Mancozeb Adsorption by Neem Chip BiocharThusalini, M.; Kannan, N.