Browsing by Author Balayasothini, V.

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The Association of Family History of Hypertension with Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension: A Preliminary Study at Teaching Hospital, Jaffna.Madhurahini, R.; Balayasothini, V.; Jeneni, J.; Arasaratnam, V.; Muhunthan, K.
2024Correlation between blood pressure and serum creatinine levels in pregnant women: a comparative study between pregnant women with normal blood pressure and pregnancy induced hypertensionMadhurahini, R.; Balayasothini, V.; Jeneni, J.; Arasaratnam, V.; Muhunthan, K.; Aranraj, T.
2024Diagnostic Role of Serum Uric Acid in Pregnancy Induced Hypertensive Disorders.Balayasothini, V.; Madhurahini, R.; Jeneni, J.; Arasaratnam, V.; Muhunthan, K.
2024Distribution of Serum Creatinine Levels in Pregnant Women with Pregnancy Induced HypertensionBalayasothini, V.; Madhurahini, R.; Jeneni, J.; Arasaratnam, V.; Muhunthan, K.; Aranraj, T.
2024Exploring serum uric acid levels in pregnant women with pregnancy induced hypertensionBalayasothini, V.; Madhurahini, R.; Jeneni, J.; Arasaratnam, V.; Muhunthan, K.; Thayaananthan, K.
2024Exploring the Link between Diabetes and Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension: A Preliminary Study.Madhurahini, R.; Balayasothini, V.; Jeneni, J.; Arasaratnam, V.; Muhunthan, K.
2024The Predictive Significance of Serum Creatinine in Management of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension: A Preliminary Study at the Teaching Hospital, Jaffna.Madhurahini, R.; Balayasothini, V.; Jeneni, J.; Arasaratnam, V.; Muhunthan, K.
2024Relationship Between Body Mass Index and the Development of Pregnancy Induced HypertensionBalayasothini, V.; Madhurahini, R.; Jeneni, J.; Muhunthan, K.; Arasaratnam, V.
2024Relationship between the Blood Pressure and Serum Uric Acid Levels in Pregnant WomenMadhurahini, R.; Balayasothini, V.; Jeneni, J.; Muhunthan, K.; Sutharsan, M.; Arasaratnam, V.