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Showing results 1 to 20 of 506  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Abilities of Triglyceride-Glucose-Body Mass Index and Triglyceride-Glucose- Index to identify Dyslipidemia among the Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Attending Teaching Hospital, Jaffna, Sri Lanka.Balendrarajah, K.; Vijayakumar, G.; Murugathas, V.; Muhunthan, K.; Arasaratnam, V.
2017Analogies in Jaffna Tamil Dialect - A Linguistics Perception with NannuulShiromi, M.
2024Anthropometric indices effect on diabetes & pre-diabetes of polycystic ovarian syndrome women treated at Teaching Hospital JaffnaVijayakumar, G.; Murugathas, V.; Balendrarajah, K.; Arasaratnam, V.; Muhunthan, K.; Aranraj, T.
2024Anthropometric indices of late adolescents in Kopay Medical Officer of Health (MOH) area, Jaffna districtSivakaran, M.; Vasanthy, A.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2024The anti-bacterial potential of Siddha Herbo-mineral formulation Linga Chenduram through the In-vitro studySoruban, T.; Sathiyaseelan, V.
2024Antibacterial activity of acetone fractions of the root of Vateria copallifera against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coliNirubini, A.S.; Ajeetha, J.; Sivasinthujah, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.J.; Srikaran, R.
2024Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different solvent extractions of leaves and bark of Erythrina variegataThuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Bandaranayaka, T.D.; Horshington, A.S.; Fernando, K.M.O.
2024Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different solvent extractions of leaves and bark of Erythrina variegataThuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Bandaranayaka, T.D.; Horshington, A.S.; Fernando, K.M.O.
2015Antioxidant Activity in Aqueous Extracts of Powdered Terminalia chebula Seed Skin Stored for Six Months at Room Temperature and at 4oCKumutharanjan, T.; Ramaiah, S.; Vasanthy, A.
2014Antioxidant activity of ingredients of Mathumeha chooranam, a drug used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in siddha system of medicineKumutharanjan, T.; Sivakanesan, R.; Vasanthy, A.
2024Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Human Right to PrivacyMadhubhashini Samarakon, N.; Nirojini, V.
2024Assessing accuracy and validity of urine dipstick test in chronic kidney disease patientsJayathilaka, D.S.; Methsarani, W.G.N.K.; Jayasinghe, J.M.R.M.; Thangarajah, B.R.; Sivakumar, H.
2024Assessing the Impact of Stray Animals on Road Safety and public well-being in Jaffna, Sri LankaJeyaratnam, L.; Sasitharan, M.; Thanushan, R.
2024Assessing the prevalence of selected cardiovascular risk factors of stroke among known hypertensive patients admitted to the medical wards at Teaching hospital JaffnaSujeevan, N.; Afra, M.A.; Rupasinghe, S.R.D.H.; Rathnayake, R.M.N.M.; Kumara, K.N.D.H.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Vinojan, S.
2014Assessing the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Dengue Epidemic in Northern Sri Lanka using Remote Sensing Data, GIS and Statistical AnalysisAnno, Sumiko; Imaoka, Keiji; Tadono, Takeo; Igarashi, Tamotsu; Sivaganesh, S.; Kannathasan, S.; Kumaran, Vaithehi; Noble Surendran, Sinnathamby
2024Assessment of Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation and its impact on ECM using Simulated Impedance SpectroscopyJayasinghe, A.E.; Fernando, N.; Kumarawadu, S.; Wang, L.; Karunadasa, J.P.
2015Association Between Thyroid Status and Lipid Levels Among Pregnant Women in Jaffna DistrictYoganathan, T.; Vasanthy, A.; Hettiarachchi, M.; Liyanage, C.
2024Association of cellulitis with socio-demographic factors, BMI and diabetes mellitus among patients admitted to the surgical casualty ward of Teaching hospital, JaffnaPushpakumar, K.; Jizanee, M.J.A.; Aaqila, M.A.F.; Hana, S.A.; Fernando, W.N.V.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Giridharan, S.
2019An audit on obstetric ICU admission teaching hospital Jaffna (THJ)Aranee, B.; Jyothiji, S.; Guruparan, K.
2024Awareness of oral cancer disease and its risks factors among adults patients in the out-patient department, Teaching Hospital JaffnaAthmika, N.; Ilakeya, K.; Wijebandara, I.D.H.C.; Premakanthan, K.; Kajan, P.; Shivaganesh, S.