Browsing by Subject Antioxidant activity

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different solvent extractions of leaves and bark of Erythrina variegataThuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Bandaranayaka, T.D.; Horshington, A.S.; Fernando, K.M.O.
2024Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different solvent extractions of leaves and bark of Erythrina variegataThuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Bandaranayaka, T.D.; Horshington, A.S.; Fernando, K.M.O.
2024Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different solvent extractions of leaves and bark of Erythrina variegataThuvaragan, S.; Gnanakarunyan, T.; Bandaranayaka, T.D.; Horshington, A.S.; Fernando, K.M.O.
2017Antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts of powder of Mathumeha Chooranam and its ingredients at room temperature by using ferric reduction methodKumutharanjan, T.; Sivaganesan, R.; Vasanthy, A.
2016Antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of leaf of Gymnema sylvestre stored for six months at room temperature and 4oC using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay.Kumutharanjan, T.; Sivaganesan, R.; Vasanthy, A.
2016Antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of Murrya koenigii stored for six months at room temperature and 4oC.Kumutharanjan, T.; Sivaganesan, R.; Vasanthy, A.
2015Antioxidant activity of Gymnema sylvestrae stored for six months at 4 0 C and room temperatureKumutharanjan, T.
2014Antioxidant activity of ingredients of Mathumeha Chooranam used in Mathumeham (diabetes mellitus)Kumutharanjan, T.; Ramaiah, S.; Vasanthy, A.
2014Antioxidant Activity of Ingredients of Mathumeha Chooranam, A Drug Used for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus in Siddha System of MedicineKumutharanjan, T.; Sivakanesan, R.; Arasaratnam, V.
2014Antioxidant activity of ingredients of Mathumeha chooranam, a drug used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in siddha system of medicineKumutharanjan, T.; Sivakanesan, R.; Vasanthy, A.
2023Drying of Gymnema sylvestre Using Far-Infrared Radiation: Antioxidant Activity and Optimization of Drying ConditionsAbhiram, G.; Briyangari, A.; Eeswaran, R.
2023Effect of plasma-activated organic acids on different chicken cuts inoculated with Salmonella Typhimurium and Campylobacter jejuni and their antioxidant activity.Hag Ju Lee; Hyun Jung Lee; Ismail, A.; Sethukali, A.; Dongbin Park; Ki Ho Baek; Cheorun Jo
2015Effect of storage temperature on the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of "Phyllanthus emblica"fruitsKumutharanjan, T.; Ramaiah, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2016Effect of Storage Temperature on the phenolic Content and antioxidant capacity of Phyllanthus emblica fruitsKumutharanjan, T.; Sivaganesan, R.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2016Efficacy of the Siddha medicinal preparation ‘Mathumeha chooranam’ in patients with diabetes mellitus.Kumutharanjan, T.; Sivaganesan, R.; Vasanthy, A
2021Evaluation of bran extracts of rice (Oryza sativa) and selected bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties for their antioxidative and anti-hyperglycemic potentialsMarikkar, J.M.N.; Nuurhaffiszzulullah, A.A.; Gunarathne, K.M.R.U.
2021Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant and anti-haemolytic activity of methanol bark extract from Nauclea orientalis LinnHemachandra, G.H.T.K; Thuvaragan, S.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai
2020Evaluation of the Bran Extracts of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and Selected Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties for Their Anti-Oxidative and Anti-Hyperglycemic PotentialsMarikkar, J.M.N.; Nuurhaffiszzulullah, A.A.; Gunarathne, K.M.R.U.
2024Evaluation of total antioxidant activity of deproteinized and non- deproteinized polysaccharides extracted from leaves of Hemidesmus indicus (Nannari)Salini, N.; Aberame, S.; Piriyanka, N.; Sivasinthujah, S.; Senthilnanthanan, M.
2024Evaluation of total antioxidant activity of deproteinized and nondeproteinized polysaccharides extracted from leaves of Hemidesmus indicus (Nannari)Salini, N.; Aberame, S.; Piriyanka, N.; Sivasinthujah, S.; Senthilnanthanan, M.