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Results 9781-9788 of 9788 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Effect of Gymnema lactiferum tea brew on type 2 diabetes mellitus: A double-blind, randomised active-controlled phase III clinical trialKulanayagam, K.; Sivansuthan, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Thiyahiny, S.N.; Vithegi, K.; Sirimal, P.
2022Timing and pattern of growth faltering in children up-to 18 months of age and the associated feeding practices in an urban setting of Sri LankaSithamparapillai, K.; Samaranayake, D.; Wickramasinghe, V. P.
2024Knowledge, Perception, and Practice of Generic Medicine and Associated Factors among Community Pharmacists in Jaffna, Sri LankaThuvaragan, S.; Mohamed, N.; Coonghe, P.A.D
2024Why do women with early breast cancer in Northern Sri Lanka undergo mastectomy? Decision-making and ways forwardChrishanthi, R.; Kumar, R.; Thuseetharan, D.; Sivakumar, G.; Muthulingam, S.; Vengadasalam, S.
2024Global voices on atrial fibrillation: South/Southeast AsiaRungroj, K.; Arintaya, P.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Antony Sheron, V.; Powsiga, U.; Kumaran, S.; Shribavan, K.
2024The pathway to diagnosis and follow-up care for atrial fibrillation in Sri Lanka: a descriptive longitudinal studyAntony Sheron, V.; Powsiga, U.; Shribavan, K.; Guruparan, M.; Kumaran, S.; Krishnarajah, N.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Kumarendran, B.
2024Diagnostic accuracy of digital technologies compared with 12-lead ECG in the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation in adults: A protocol for a systematic reviewAntony Sheron, V.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Tiffany, E.G.; Krishnarajah, N.; Kumarendran, B.; Kumaran, S.; Shribavan, K.; Powsiga, U.; Guruparan, M.
2023Effect of pre-transplant vitamin D level on liver transplantation outcomeShalika, K.; Sithamparapillai, K.; Madunil, N.; Dileepa, E.