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Results 6451-6460 of 9657 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016பசுமைச்சந்தைப்படுத்தல் தந்திரோபாயங்களைக் கையாள்வதில் பெண்சிறுகைத்தொழில் முயற்சியாளர்கள் எதிர்கொள்ளும் சவால்கள்Shivany, S.
2015Role of marketing department of University in boosting micro marketers in an unethical business environment.Shivany, S.; Ratnam, E.; Sivarajah, K.; Karunanithy, M.; Rajumesh, S.; Sivesan, S.; Sathana, V.; Kumaradeepan, V.; Sivanenthira, S.; Dilogini, K.
2016Content Analysis of Green Advertisement Messages Conveyed by, Small Medium, & Micro Enterprises in Northern ProvinceShivany, S.
2011An empirical investigation of the effect of customer participation on ATM’S service performance.Shivany, S.
2012Marketing strategies for the livelihood income generating activities in the post war marketing contextVelnampy, T.; Kajendra, K.; Shivany, S.
2014Micro credit marketing strategies in the post war marketing context.Shivany, S.; Velnampy, T.; Kajendra, K.
2011Exploring the pattern of consumer brand choice in the post-conflict marketing environment: Grounded Theory ApproachShivany, S.
2021Donation of body for Anatomical Dissection in Sri Lanka: a reviewChenthuran, T.
2013Multiple arterial variations in the upper limb and its clinical significance-a case reportVaseethan, Yokanathan; Udhayakumar, S.
2014Location of superior and inferior parathyroid glands in relation to the midpoint of isthmus of thyroid and tracheal ringsNiranjan, R.; Udhayakumar, S.; Surangi, G.; Yasawardene, S.G.