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Results 6331-6340 of 9788 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Removal of palladium ions from aqueous systems by chemically modified cysteine carbon powderAbiman, P.; Wildgoos, G.G; Crossley, A; Compton, R.G
2016Content Analysis of Tamil TV Commercials Aimed at Women in the Post War ContextShivany, S.; Velnampy, T.
2013Molecular identification of potential leishmaniasis vector species within the Phlebotomus (Euphlebotomus) argentipes species complex in Sri LankaGajapathy, K; Peiris, L.B; Goodacre, S.L; Silva, A; Jude, P.J; Surendran, S.N.
2022Vortex Shedding-Induced Fatigue Analysis for High-Mast Lighting Towers.Jeyamohan, K.; Bandara, C. S.; Jayasinghe, J. A. S. C.
2017Guerilla advertising weapon for promotional problems of selected smes in MannarSuganya, A.; Shivany, S.
2012Prominence of information bases & media assessments in the post conflict marketing enviornmentShivany, S.
2017Exploring the Models for linking Micro Marketers and the Management FacultyShivany, S.
2019Disease burden of Rheumatic Heart Disease among children attending the Paediatric Cardiology Unit, Teaching Hospital, Jaffna.Vinajagamoorthy, S.Arunthava; Nirubaa, Umashankar; Ragunathan, I.R.
2017Maternal socio-demographic, economic factors and previous history of pregnancy outcome contributing to preterm birth occurring at tertiary care unit, Jaffna, Sri Lanka.Sasrubi, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Sathiadas, M.G.; Surendrakumaran, R.
2013Competencies and readiness for internship of the medical graduate in faculty of medicine,university of JaffnaSathiadas, M.G.