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Results 6011-6020 of 9711 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Alternative routes to intravenous tranexamic acid for postpartum hemorrhage: a systematic search and narrative reviewShakur‐Still, H.; Grassin‐Delyle, S.; Muhunthan, K.; Ahmadzia, H. K.; Faraoni, D.; Arribas, M.; Roberts, I.
2022Ectopic pregnancy following intracytoplasmic sperm injection-embryo transfer (ICSI-ET)Raguraman, S.; Muhunthan, K.
2022A cadaveric study on variation in branching pattern of common carotid arteryNiranjan, R; Sharma, S. T.
2022Anatomical variations in the origin of the superior thyroid arteryNiranjan, R.
2020Clinicopathological features of polycystic ovarian syndrome in adolescenceMuhunthan, K.; Guruparan, K.
2017Knowledge and practices among pregnant women with anaemiaThuvarathipan, R.; Mahendran, T.; Guruparan, K.; Muhunthan, K.
2016Quasi-Static Behavior of Palm-Based Elastomeric Polyurethane: For Strengthening Application of Structures under Impulsive LoadingsSomarathna, H.M.C.C.; Raman, S.N.; Badri, K.H.; Mutalib, A. A.; Mohotti, D.; Ravana, S.
2012Design of a Battery-less Micro-scale RF Energy Harvester for Medical DevicesPirapaharan, K; Gunathillake, W.L.A.D.A.; Lokunarangoda, G.I.; Nissansani, M.V.; Palihena, H.C.; Hoole, P.R.P.; Aravind, C.V.; Hoole, S.R.H.
2013Energy Harvesting Through the Radio Frequency Wireless Power TransferPirapaharan, K.; Gunawickrama, K.; De Silva, D.S.; De Silva, M.S.S.R.; Dharmawardhana, T.L.K.C; Indunil, W.G.D.C; Wickramasinghe, C.B.; Aravind, C.V.
2014Three Dimensional Electric Dipole Model for Lightning-Aircraft Electrodynamics and its Application to Low Flying AircraftFisher, J.; Hoole, P.R.P.; Pirapaharan, K.; Thirukumaran, S.; Hoole, S.R.H.