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Results 5661-5670 of 9711 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996Post-traumatic responses to aerial bombingSomasundaram, Daya
2017Active safety monitoring of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in the National Immunisation Programme of Sri LankaSanchayan, K.; Fernandopulle, R.; Amarasinghe, A.; Thiyahiny, S.N.; Sri Ranganathan, S.
2021Prevalence of common menstrual problems and their association with psychological stress among the female medical students of University of JaffnaAthithyan, R.; Fernando, M.T.K.C.; Kinosha, L.; Srimanne, D.N.P.W.; Thushara, T.; Murali, V.; Bhavani, G.
2021Stress, depression, anxiety, and associated factors among A/L students of the Karaveddy Educational Division, JaffnaAbinaya, S.; Sathyapireyan, V.; Jayasundara, J.P.S.; Ekanayake, S.A.M.S.; Mithirashree, S.; Sivakanthan, S.; Kumar, R.; Sivathas, S.
2021Caring for dementia: a burden? a cross sectional study on the primary caregivers who are in contact with the Mental Health Unit at Teaching Hospital JaffnaMahinthan, K.; Kamsika, M.; Thuvaraha, M.; Piyarathna, H.D.C.J.; Amarakoon, A.M.M.R.; Coonghe, P.A.D.; Sivayokan, S.; Sivakanthan, S.
2021Family members’ knowledge on family members’ support to promote the mental health of psychiatric patients attending to the psychiatric clinic at Base Hospital, TellippalaiThennakoon, T.M.N.C.M.; Sathees, S.; Subendran, M.
2013Recent disasters in sri lanka: Lessons learnedSomasundaram, Daya
2017Outcome of uncomplicated ureteric calculi managed with medical expulsive therapy in the outpatient clinic of a urology unit in Sri LankaJayawardene, Malaka Dharmakeerthi; Balagobi, B.; Ambegoda, A. L. A. M. C.; Sanjeewa, Vidanapathirana; Wijayagunawardane, G. W. A. S. K.; Senthan, V.; Ranasinghe, D. D.; Anuruddha M., Abeygunasekera
2021A case report of post-surgical page kidney due to extensive renal hematoma following percutaneous nephrolithotomySivashankar, Meganathan; Balagobi, B.; Perera, Neville D.; Nalin Ruvinda, Palehepitiya Gamage
2021Zinner’s syndrome: case report of a rare mesonephric duct anomalyBalagobi, B.; Sivashankar, M.; Anton, Jenil; Suvethini, L.