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Results 5391-5400 of 9713 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Global Governance for Improved Human, Animal, and Planetary Health: The Essential Role of Schools and Programs of Public HealthMiddleton, J.; Biberman, D.; Magana, L.; Saenz, R.; Yun Low, W.; Adongo, P.; Kolt, G.S; Surenthirakumaran, R. .
2023Generalisability of and lessons learned from a mixed-methods study conducted in three low- and middle-income countries to identify care pathways for atrial fibrillationGooden, T.E.; Wang, J.; Carvalho, C.G.; Antony Sheron, V.; Kumarendran, B.; Nirantharakumar, K.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2022Implementation of a non-randomized controlled trial of yoga-based intervention to reduce behavioural issues in early adolescent school-going children in Sri LankaSivashankar, J.T.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Doherty, S.; Nalini, S.
2023Prevalence of depression among students at a Sri Lankan University: a study using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) during the COVID-19 pandemicAyanthi, W.; Birgitta, E.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Axemo, P.
2022Ragging, a Form of University Violence in Sri Lanka—Prevalence, Self-Perceived Health Consequences, Help-Seeking Behavior and Associated FactorsAyanthi, W.; Birgitta, E.; Shirin, Z.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Axemo, P.
2022Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Healthcare Utilization in Post-conflict Primary Care Attendees in Northern Sri LankaDoherty, S.; Sureshkumar, D.S.; Thayakaran, R.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2023A rare case of renal squamous cell carcinoma presenting with psoas signPriyatharsan, K.; Balagobi, B.; Heerthikan, K.; Thulasi, T.; Priyanka, A.; Sureska, G.
2023Determinants of SMEs Non-Performing Loans in Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka: Special reference to Northern ProvincePartheepan, N.; Yogendrarajah, R.
2023Women Empowerment through Microfinance in Sri Lanka: Evidence from Thunukkai DS Division, Mullaitivu DistrictKabilrajh, T.; Yogendrarajah, R.
2023Impact of Non-performing Loans on Profitability: Evidence from Licensed Commercial Banks in Sri LankaAnandasayanan, S.; Gowsalya, S.