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Results 4801-4810 of 9713 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Impact of Auto industry and its spatial spillover effect on Alabama's Economic Growth and DevelopmentSooriyakumar, K.; Kinnucan, H.
2017A measure of marketing price transmission in the Red Onion Market of Sri LankaMathusuthan, K.; Sooriyakumar, K.
2010Experimental Study on In-Plane And Out-Of-Plane Behavior Of Pp-Band Retrofitted Masonry wallette Made of Shapeless StonesSakurai, K.; Sathiparan, N.; Meguro, K.
2021Challenges of virtual learning during covid-19: a case of the university of JaffnaSutharsini, J.; Umakanth, N.
2022X-ray Dosimetry for cervical spine on adults: A case study in a Provincial Hospital in Sri LankaWelarathna, W.D.S.D.; Sivakumar, V.; Wanninayake, W.M.N.M.B.; Sarasanandarajah, S.
2022State of Mental Health of the Children in Child Welfare Centers in Batticaloa DistrictGenoosha, N.; Arulpragasam, A.N.; Gadambanathan, T.; Karthijekan, K.
2022Challenges faced by estate school students in online education during the COVID -19 pandemicAlagaraja, R.; Dushanthy Jeney, C.
2022Leadership styles of Nurse Managers and Supervisors in Capacity Management Department, Al- Wakra HospitalDevanesan, C.W.; Samuel, E.S.
2022Closed space sublimated 𝐂dS thin films for 𝐂dS/𝐂dTe solar cells: Effect of source temperatureBandara, K. M. N. S.; Lakmal, A. A. I.; Seneviratne, V. A.; Dissanayake, M. A. K. I.; Dassanayake, B. S.
2022Removal of 𝐏b (II) ion using magnetically modified 𝐌go nanoparticlesGurunanthanan, V.; Hettiarachchi, D. U.; Perera, H. C. S.; Gunathilake, S. S.; Dassanayake, B. S.