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Results 4651-4660 of 9713 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022A hybrid forecasting model for monthly elevation-wise tea auction prices in Sri Lanka using supply and demand factorsSiriwardana, K. M. M. H.; Deshani, K. A. D.; Wickramarachchi, D. S.
2022Nested radicals and coinduction principleRatnayake, J. K.; Annanthakrishna, M.; Senadheera, J. N.
2022Work - family conflict, family - work conflict , and job satisfaction : a study among married women in thenmaradchi divisional secretariatSritharan, V.; Sritharan, S.
2022Ip-Connectedness and Ip-compactness in ideal topological spacesRakshana, S.; Elango, P.
2022The mental stress crisis and coping strategies among the first-year female undergraduates at the selected departments of Faculty of Applied Sciences in Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka during the outbreak of Covid-19Athukorala, G.V.; Joniton, S.
2022Prevalence, clinical and demographic features of scrub typhus among clinically suspected typhus patients attending the District General Hospital KilinochchiAarabi, K.; Murugananthan, K.; Pirasath, S.
2022Job satisfaction and associated factors among female nurses in Killinochci General HospitalDilaksana, R.; Menaka, S.
2022Anthropometric variables among Sri Lankan elite male athletes of team gamesBuvanendiran, P.
2022Development of herbal tea as potential replacement for Guava teaLilachjini, S.; Haroon, M. H.
2022Pharmacological activities of extracts and isolated compounds of Acalypha Fruticosa Forssk. (Euphorbiaceae)Vinujan, S.; Saravanan, V.; Pholtan, R.