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Results 4591-4600 of 9711 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Atherogenic index among over nourished adolescents attending National schools in Jaffna zonal divisionHamzathwany, R.; Kandeepan, K.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
1993Production and kinetic studies of α-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis 6346 in solid state fermentationTambyrajah, W.S.; Mahendran, S.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
2017Complementary feeding practices among children aged between 12 and 35 months in Jaffna, Sri LankaKandeepan, K.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
1993Effect of cigar smoking on urinary calcium ascorbic acid and creatine levels in post menopausal womenJanaki, P.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Mahendran, S.; Balasubramaniam, K.
2014Thosai mixed with side dishes altered the Glycaemic indexPirasath, S.; Thayananthan, K.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
1993Preparation of sugar syrup (DE 50-70) from corn flourThayananthan, K.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Mahendran, S.; Balasubramaniam, K.
2016The study on thyroid status among newborns in Jaffna District in Sri LankaYoganathan, T.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Hettiarachchi, M.; Liyanage, C.
2018Comparison of paleo diets pormulated from foods available in Jaffna with modern diets on plasma glucose and serum insulin levelsThanuja, T.; Rushan, R.; Shivaram, S.; Suvethini, L.; Kandeepan, K.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2014Prevalence of moderate malnutrition in children of Jaffna district, Sri LankaKandeepan, K.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2012Prevalence of aneamia among the G.C.E.(A/L) students of national and provincial schools in Jaffna educational zoneSahithya, R.; Kandeepan, K.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Kumanan, T.