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Results 4551-4560 of 9711 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Patients' knowledge on dispensed medications and associated factors in a tertiary hospital in Sri LankaThuvaragan, S.; Dileka Thathsarani Dayananda, B.S.M.
2015Applying a 3D Dipole Model for Lightning Electrodynamics of Low-Flying AircraftFisher, J.; Hoole, P.R.P.; Pirapaharan, K.; Ratnajeevan, S.; Hoole, H.
2013Aircraft-lightning electrodynamics using The transmission line model part I: review Of the transmission line modelThirukumaran, S.; Hoole, P.R.P; Harikrishnan, R.; Jeevan, K.; Pirapaharan, K.; Ratnajeevan, S.; Hoole, H.
2014Tax Policy Changes and their Impact on Tax Revenue: A Case Study in Sri LankaAnojan, V.
2017An Electromagnetic Signal Processor for Beam-forming a Wireless Mobile Sensor Station: Strengthening the Desired Signal and Nulling Main InterferenceHoole, P.R.P.; Abdul Rahim, L.M.; Julai, N.; Othman, Al-Hj; Hikmah Shabani, S.H.; Marzuki, Ade S.W.; Senthilkumar, K.S.; Pirapaharan, K.; Aravind, C.V.; Hoole, S.R.H.
2013Working Capital Management and Its Impact on Profitability: A Study of Selected Listed Beverage, Food and Tobacco Companies in Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri LankaAnojan, V.; Arulalan, N.; Nimalathasan, B.
2015-01Implementation of Real Time Brainwave Visualisation and CharacterisationSuresh Manic, K.; Aravind, C.V.; Saadha, A.; Pirapaharan, K.
2014GDP Performances, Sector’s Performances and Contribution to GDP of Northern Province during War and Post War Scenarios of Sri Lanka. (e-conference JUICE 2014)Anojan, V.
2021Impact of Board and Audit Committee Characteristics on Adoption of Integrated Reporting of Listed Banks in Sri Lanka.Anojan, V.; Ramesh, S.
2022Aftermath Of Social Media On Purchasing Behavior Of Youths In Jaffna, Sri LankaKumaradeepan, V.