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Results 4511-4520 of 9711 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Preliminary studies on the selection of thermostable alkaline xylanase producing bacteriaKapilan, R.; Arasaratnam, V
2012Stimulation of thermal stability of α-amylase from Bacillus icheniformis ATCC 6346 by treating with cationsVengadaramana, A.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2019Metabolic derangements among sub-fertile women seeking medical advice at teaching hospital JaffnaShangeetha, G.; Julids, K. J.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Kandeepan, K.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2009Comparison of industrial scale ethanol production from a palmyrah-based carbon source by commercial yeast and a mixed culture from palmyrah toddyBalakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2001Comparison of citric acid production by Aspergillus niger UV2 in liquid surface culture and solid state fermentationNavaratnam, P.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
2010Isolation and selection of thermo stable alkaline protease producing bacterial strainsAnpalagan, V.C; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
2006Isolation of α-amylase producing bacteria by Gel Micro Droplet methodArasaratnam, Vasanthy; Thayananthan, K.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai
2011Glycaemic index values of locally available foods in JaffnaPirasath, S.; Balakumar, Sandrasegarampillai; Thayananthan, K.; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy
1999Minimizing the proteolytic activity of acid protease produced by Aspergillus nigerSenthuran, Vasanthe; Arasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.
1995Improvement of the thermal stability of immobilized alpha amylase by coupling with prolineArasaratnam, Vasanthy; Balasubramaniam, K.