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Results 4371-4380 of 9711 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Comparative phyto-physicochemical studies on selected Medicinal plants, enicostemma littorale blume and withania somnifera dunalVinotha, S.; Ira, T.; Sri Ranjani, S.
2015Goniometer assessment on knee osteoarthritis among patients seeking Ayurveda medicine in Jaffna districtVinotha, S.; Ira, T.; Sri Ranjani, S.
2022A mixed method study of information searching behaviour of medical trainees at Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of ColomboSritharan, T.; Pathmeswaran, A.; Kumar, R.
2022Analytical study on Himalayan research outcomes: Special reference to Scopus indexed publicationsSrinivasaragavan, S.; Gayathri, S.; Varsha, V.K.; Jaya Suriya Dheva, R.S.
2022Geographical Indication (GI) in Sri Lanka: A scientometric study of scholarly outputRajkumar, N.; Suresh, N.; Sankar, M.
2022Awareness of predatory open access journals among academics of the Faculty of Management and Business Studies at the University of JaffnaJanen, T.; Murugathas, K.; Kupeshan, R.
2022A Scientometric analysis of publications on Artificial Intelligence in India using the Scopus databaseVinodh Kumar, B.; Tamizhchelvan, M.
2022Status of institutional repository of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna during the period from 2012 to 2021Ananthasothy, T.; Balakumaran, L.; Uthayakumar, L.
2022Citations to highly-cited researchers by leading Universities in Sri Lanka: scientometric analysisMaheswaran, R.; Perachiselvi, U.; Abbas, L.M.; Balasubramani, R.
2022Scientometric analysis of research productivity in nanophotonics: A studyGunaseelan, S.; Sumathi, M.; Ranganathan, C.