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Results 4321-4330 of 9711 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017A Review on kayakatpamooligaikal (Rejuvenating herbs) which are using in the siddha medicinePiramila, U.; Krishanthy, T.; Vinotha, S.
2012Analytical Study of Thalangi Ennai: A Pain Relieving Siddha Medicated OilVinotha, S.; Sri Ranjani, S.; Ira, T.
2012A quality assessment (physic phytochemical profile) of root of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal used traditionally for therapeutic purposes in Sri LankaVinotha, S.; Ira, T.; Sri Ranjani, S.
2015Association between mass index and knee osteoarthrititis among patients seeking ayurveda medicine in Jaffna DistrictVinotha, S.; Ira, T.; Sri Ranjini, S.
2020Analysis of Resource Use Efficiency in Chilli Production and Its Contribution to Household Farm Income in Manmunai South and Eruvilpattu DS Division , BatticaloaTharmitha, S.; Krishnapillai, S.
2020Households' Willingness to Pay for the Sewerage System in Jaffna Municipal Area, Sri LankaLinoja, K.; Sooriyakumar, K.; Sivashankar, S.
2018Influence of gestational age on birth profile of preterm babies born in teaching hospital, JaffnaSasrubi, S.; Arasaratnam, V.; Sathiadas, M.G.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
2014Study on distribution of body mass index, waist circumference with the association of non-communicable diseases among the nursing officers working at teaching hospital, JaffnaSasrubi, S.
2017Knowledge and practice of undergraduate nursing students on early detecion measures of breast cancerAntony Sheron, V.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Thabotharan, Deivy; Kavitha, I.
2016Factors that influence on the development of constipation among the patients admitted to female medical wards and staying for three or more days at the teaching hospital, JaffnaJasothara, P.; Sivapalan, K.; Deivy, Thabotharan