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Results 4301-4310 of 9711 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Knowledge on school bullying and its prevention among secondary school teachers in Jaffna education zoneNarmadha, S.; Kamalarupan, L.; Nithlavarnan, A.
2022Knowledge and practices on prevention of COVID-19 among nursing students in the Jaffna districtThabotharan, D.; Coonghe, P.A.D.; Pathirana, H.P.Y.C.
2022An extended integrated inventory model with carbon emissionHisam, M. S. M.; Juman, Z. A. M. S.; Daundasekera, W. B.
2022Some results on G-frame operator in quaternionic settingWasnthika, P. G.; Khokulan, V.
2022Study on population dynamics using delay differential equationDinusha, S.; Selvarajan, S.
2022Fixed point theorem on strong fuzzy metric spaceKajan, N.; Sritharan, T.; Kannan, K.
2022Omega open sets with topological groupsAishwariya, K. D.; Kannan, K.; Vigneswaran, R.
2022Sero-prevalence for past HEV infection among patients attending the medical wards of District General Hospital, KilinochchiSarmila, V.; Murugananthan, K.; Pirasath, S.
2022Attitudes and practices of young adults related to blood donation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri LankaFazla, M.M.F.; Dileka, K.T.S.; Wickramasekara, K.M.H.M.; Oshana, B.V.; Piyumantha, B.V.D.; Wijekumar, P.J.; Nayanathara, R.K.A.B.; Ranadeva, N.D.K.
2022Species composition, abundance and distribution of butterflies associated with selected home gardens in “Hanguranketha”, Nuwara Eliya district, Sri Lanka: A preliminary studyRathnayake, R.R.M.U.N.B.; Karunarathna, D.S.; Dammini Premachandra, W.T.S.