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Results 4231-4240 of 9711 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Previable preterm prelabour rupture of membrane in a twin mother, a success story from Sri LankaGuruparan, Krisnapillai; Ratnasiri, U.D.P.; Gamage, R.; Jayawardena, G.R.M.U.G.P.; Gamaathige, N.; Lambiyas, L.Y.
2019Effectiveness of screening for gestational diabetes mellitus during third trimesterThanuya, M.; Muhunthan, K.
2014A Randomized Control Trial of Single Dose versus 24 Hours IV Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Caesarean Delivery - an attempt to reduce antibiotic use.Vathana, M.; Muhunthan, K.
2020Participation in pre-pregnancy counselling among primi women attending antenatal clinics at Teaching Hospital JaffnaSenevirathne, B.P.K.L.; Gulegoda, S.W.G.; Garchicca, S.; Sritharan, A.; Kumarendran, B.
2014Managing a Pregnant Woman with Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia: a clinical challenge.Muhunthan, K.; Peratheepa, V.; Sooriyakumar, T.; Senavirathne, K.C.D
2020Proper documentation of cardiotocograph (CTG) : a retrospective audit in Mullaitivu DGHRaguraman, S.; Niruthan, T.; Kanagalingam, A.
2014Emerging scrub typhus infection in the northern region of Sri LankaAnandaselvam Pradeepan, Jebananthy; Ketheesan, N.; Murugananthan, Kalamathy
2020Asymptomatic bacteriuria, sensitivity patterns of isolated bacteria, and influencing factors in pregnant women attending antenatal clinics of Teaching Hospital JaffnaWagolla, S.W.T.U.; Gnanakarunyan, T.J.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Ramachandran, R.
2014The Association between blood groups and dengue and dengue haemorrhagic feverMurugananthan, Kalamathy; Kumanan, T.; Sivaganesh, S.; Ketheesan, N.; Noordeen, F.
1999The management of eclampsiaSivasuriya, M.