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Results 4201-4210 of 9711 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Vitamin D status among postmenopausal osteoporotic women: a hospital based cross-sectional study from Northern Sri LankaSuganthan, N.; Kumanan, T.; Vithegi, Kesavan; Aravinthan, M.; Rajeshkannan, Nadarajah
2018Isolated Spinal Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis is a Close Mimic of Pott’s Disease in the TropicsAnushika Luckmy, Solangaarachchige; Kumanan, T.; Suganthan, N.; Selvaratnam, G.; Pathmini, Sheyamalan; Ranathunga, Niluka
2020Profuse Sweating and Hot Flashes: an unusual presentation of post-dengue fatigue syndromeUmakanth, Maheswaran; Narayanasami, Ethayakumar; Suganthan, N.
2018Steroid sensitive recurrent painful ophthalmoplegic neuropathy: A case reportApirami, M.; Kumanan, T.; Sujanitha, K.; Malaravan, M.
2020Delayed radioactive iodine therapy and patterns of failure and survival among differentiated thyroid cancer patientsThuvaraka, V.; Visakapavan, G.; Thijan, K.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Rajasooriyar, C.
2019Diagnostic Challenges for Common Arboviral Disease in Screening Suspected Dengue Patients Based on Commercially Available Rapid Diagnostic KitsJayadas, Tibutius T. P.; Kumanan, T.; Sharanga, S.; Surendran, S.N.
2017A Study on knowledge, awareness and medication adherence among patients in hypertension from a tertiary care centre from Northern Sri LankaPirasath, S.; Kumanan, T.; Guruparan, M.
2019Public–private partnerships for universal health coverage? the future of “free health” in Sri LankaKumar, R.
2013How are Women’s Experiences of Childbirth Represented in the Literature? A Critical Review of Qualitative Health Research Set in the Global SouthKumar, R.
2020Prevalence and associated factors of myopia among grade 10 students in the Karaveddy Education DivisionRajharan, A.; Laasim, M.L.; Babeitha, B.; Murali, V.; Chandrakumar, S.T.S.