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Results 4161-4170 of 9711 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986Intestinal parasitic infestations in children living in the under privileged sector of the Jaffna municipalityNageswaran, C.; Sivarajah, N.
2021Patient satisfaction and associated factors among type 2 diabetics at Primary Care Unit, Thirunelveli and Family Health Centre, KondavilAnandarajah, L.; Ediriweera, N.C.; Herath, A.H.M.A.N.; Jothini, T.; Raveendranathan, S.; Kumar, R.; Kumaran, S.; Yoheswaran, Y.
2020Knowledge and attitude regarding garbage disposal and associated factors among Grade 9 and 10 students in Jaffna Educational DivisionKanikai, S.; Tharshani, R.; Premadasa, D.C.N.; Kumar, R.; Mohanakumar, S.
2018Knowledge and attitude towards personal professional development and the influence of selected factors on personal professional development among the medical students at University of JaffnaShayani, V.; Sopia, P.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Kandeepan, K.
2021Association between knowledge on solid waste management and solid waste management practices in state sector institutions in Jaffna municipal council areaThuvaragah, S.; Kumarendran, B.
1995Genesis and development of primary health care strategySivarajah, N.
2020Facebook addiction and associated factors among science undergraduates who use Facebook at University of JaffnaNarmithajini, K.; Wathsala, K.M.G.G.K.; Keethaalayan, T.; Kumar, R.; Sivayokan, S.
2014The Role of computed tomography on upstaging of breast cancer in newly diagnosed asymptomatic breast cancer patients at teaching hospital, Jaffna.Chrishanthi, R.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Thamayanthi, T.; Suvithra, P.
2020Association selected factors on perceived quality of care provided for the inward patients at type a base hospitals in jaffna districtThileepan, P.; Surenthirakumaran, R.
1999Cancer care in JaffnaSivarajah, N.