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Results 4151-4160 of 9711 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Participation in extracurricular activities and associated factors among students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of JaffnaMathuvanthi, T.; Keerthiga, U.; Majure, K.; Mahinthan, C.; Priyamantha, H.; Kumar, R.; Sathiadas, M.G.
2020Knowledge, attitude, and practices of sugar intake among medical students of the University of JaffnaJashmy, G.; Nazeera, S.; Mufaza, M.; Aravinthan, M.; Kumarendran, B.
2018Study on knowledge and attitude towards newborn baby care among antenatal mothers in Jaffna Municipal areaMonalisha, S.; Thushyanthy, T.B.; Jecitharan, P.; Sivarajah, N.
2013The factors influencing the delayed presentation of symptomatic breast cancer among the patients referred to cancer treatment unit,teaching hospital of JaffnaThanikai, S.; Shahini, N.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Rajasooriyar, C.
2018Public and patients involvement in chronic illness care, a way to provide universal health coverage in poor resource setting- a case studyKumaran, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Hag, Azizul; Nithiyalingam, A.; Gobith, R.
2020Awareness and knowledge on human papillomavirus vaccination among grade six female students in the nallur education divisionYoganathan, P.; Jegapragash, V.; Rajeev, G.
2020Community-based geriatric care by the family health centre Kondavil, University of Jaffna- a case studySubunca, R.; Kumaran, S.; Gobith, R.; Karunalingam; Rubavinoth, K.
2006Health & social welfareLukumar, P.
2019Prevalence of mental disorders and epidemiological associations in postconflict primary care attendees: a crosssectional study in the Northern Province of Sri LankaDoherty, Shannon; Hulland, E.; Lopes-Cardozo, B.; Kirupakaran, S.; Surenthirakumaran, R.; Cookson, S.; Siriwardhana, C.
2012Misoprostol and the politics of abortion in Sri LankaKumar, R.